Summer Sale
Lots of great summer items on sale at cubs many of which will take your through to winter including fantastic Reversible Dresses reduced to £19.99, 2 dresses in one gorgeous for our muckylittle ladies that lunch...........
Available in Pink and Blue only 3 of each are left so grab a bargain.
Super cute toddlers Summer Sandals reduced to £3.50 not a lot left, available in , Pink and Yellow/White and Pink/White............
Lots of cute dresses including the popular Organic Peach Mint Dress at £12.00 very limited supply available from 6 months through to 2 years.............
At the moment I am covered in purple dye, and have a nice set of dyes ready to go in Olive, Mandarin and Vintage Cream all designs coming soon, so while thats drying heres a little sneaky look at what else there is to come.............