Thursday 10 April 2008

I promise its coming soon............... I promise!

Well after a week spent glued to the pc uploading products, twiddling about with my site and fluffing it up and fixing it and fluffing it up and yeah you get the picture I thought yep launch day is coming soon...............

Nope the tiniest son decided he would rather I went to A&E, poor little tot was not the happiest of chappies, but mummynightingale has fixed the tot and fixed the website and we're back on track (she says).

I have found some beautiful fabrics to dress up the tiny princess's and I have been working very hard on some new patterns for the tiny prince charming brigade, we can't leave the boys out now can we. So with out further a do heres a preview and if you like what you see go and sign up to my mailing list and you might if your very nice to me and leave nice comments get 10% off your next order............